(a)"Then Slid His Right Hand Down The Cord And Plucked It, So The Taut Gut Vibrating Hummed And Sang (2024)

English College


Answer 1


Symbolism is that answer ok fine

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Explain why Hamilton creators chose to cast the play with racially diverse actors. Also describe how the choice is affecting American theater. Use facts and details from the Article in your response.


Lin Manuel Miranda chose to use a diverse cast of actors to portray the characters in Hamilton because back in the time the story takes place- every important person was white and there was absolutely no color. slavery and racism was very prominent and it was a decision made to modernize the story.

Which of the following is an important step in evaluating sources?
Analyze the format.
Check for accuracy.
Meet the author
Read online reviews.


An important step is to Analyze the format.

Write The Spelling Word that Best Completes each sentence


I need the sentence first

After adding the correct word, the complete sentences will be read as,

Be careful in the kitchen because the _______ is hot. — stoveThe windy storm has ______ away my umbrella! — blown

What is the significance of a complete sentence?

A complete sentence can be referred to or considered as a sentence that has all the essential literary elements in them. These sentences do not lack the use of incorrect tenses or parts of speech throughout their entirety.

In the first sentence given above, the noun ''stove'' is the most probable word that could be used to complete the sentence, while in the second sentence, the verb is missing, and has been duly added above in the introductory part.

Therefore, the significance regarding the complete sentence has been aforementioned.

Learn more about a complete sentence here:


The question seems to be incomplete. It has been added below for better reference.

Write the spelling word that best completes each sentence.

1. Be careful in the kitchen because the

is hot.

2. The windy storm has

away my umbrella!

hello please help will give brainliest thanks!


D is the correct answer

Why does Mary insist that the officers eat dinner?

A. to make them tired

B. to thank them for helping

C. to destroy the murder weapon

D. To keep them at the house



D to keep them at her house

Mary insist that the officers eat dinner to keep them at the house. Thus, option D is correct.

What did the Aztec trade do?

The majority of people and tribes needed knives, tools, cloth, fur, food, clothes, pots, and resources for making metals, which is what the Aztecs bargained for. Additionally, traders traveled great distances in search of expensive goods like gold and bird feathers, and the market offered a wide range of goods at various price points.

The three pillars of the Aztec economy were trade, tribute, and agricultural products. Due to the fact that many of the commodities utilized by the Aztecs were not manufactured locally, trade within the empire was of utmost importance.

Although there was no formal currency, a number of items served as money, including cacao grains, tiny squares of cotton fabric, tiny nuggets of gold, tiny tin pieces, and priceless feathers.

Therefore, Mary insist that the officers eat dinner to keep them at the house. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about currency on:



Imagine that you have only ever lived in the arctic, and have never seen a swamp or palm trees. Or, imagine you grew up in the desert and have never seen the ocean, or a lake. Now, imagine that you are thrust into that completely foreign environment. What would you notice? What details would you remember?

You will use this perspective to write a two- to three-minute speech, clearly describing the new environment with vivid and imaginative details. Imagine that you are presenting the speech to a group of scientists back home. Your speech will show your reaction to the new environment, and must clearly communicate the reality of the situation.

Because this is a formal speech, be sure to follow all standard grammatical rules and proper English. Write out your speech and present it to your friends and family as if they were members of the scientific group. Tbh i just need the speech pls help. 30 points whoever helps me ima mark brainliest


Answer: im in middle scholl but this may help the anserw is

Explanation: im used to palm trees and swamps oceans I've only heard of snow and cold. but now I'm in the snow and cold it hurts it is cold and there's the white stuff everywhere.


I was subjected to participate in an exploration in a tropical forest, an environment completely opposite to the environment in which I lived throughout my life and with an environmental, physical and chemical composition totally different from what I know. Upon arriving in Amazonia he was perplexed by the beauty of the place, obviously. The backdrops were more beautiful than the other and I was impressed that such environments really existed in the real world and not just in manipulated photos.

Our guide started to speak the name of the trees we passed and I was very impressed with the variety of species in the same area. I thought to myself: "Is the human being really, giving up scenarios like this, to establish monoculture?" it seemed unlikely to me that the answer to my question was "yes" and I can't imagine how anyone has the courage to destroy environments like this for economic reasons, since everything I saw on the site is above money, besides being imprecifiable.

Many of you may think that I was just impressed by the change in the environment, since I spent my life in a dry, lifeless and often inhospitable place, but I am sure you would change your mind if, like me, you witnessed the cool and extremely pleasant that the Amazon has. Our guide explained to me that this climate is caused mainly by large trees, which grow meters and meters above the ground and that there are so many that create a type of "roof" in the forest, reducing the impact of the sun and the tropical climate that we can find in Brazil. In addition to these trees, I came across plants of the most varied sizes, flowers of the most varied colors and aromas, delicious fruits and very high quality, even without having received any type of phytochemical compound from agriculture and birds, ah ... the birds, so colorful and different ones that looked like cartoon characters, as well as other animals that appeared during our visit.

When I thought I had already seen many beauties, we took a tour of the Amazon River. I was, once again, to see that the river was more beautiful than the images I saw in the magazines and while our guide told us about the medicinal power of the plants in the forest, I was only able to visualize the trees they touched, with their crowns in the river, creating the biggest fairy tale scenario that I have ever seen and that no human being is able to recreate. I imagined myself being inserted in a scene from "A Midsummer Night's Dream", or in some tale by the Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Andersen, but it was better, it was real, palpable and imposing, but at the same time fragile. Our trip is over and I couldn't help wanting to live there forever.


why inmates is wearing orange shirt



Prison uniforms in the United States often consist of a distinctive orange jumpsuit or scrubs with a white T-shirt underneath set to make escape more difficult, as it is difficult for an escaped inmate to avoid recognition and recapture in such a distinctive attire.


compound word for back, crawl, and work



Backspace, crawlspace, workspace.


I hope I answered your question, and did it correctly as well.

in 1966 thousands of public school students in Washington walked out of class to protest
the Vietnam War
racial mixing
and State Testing ​



racial mixing


I did this and got 100 on it




trust me i gotchu

How are reading comprehension strategies helpful to you? How and why will you apply these reading strategies? Make sure you include at least 3 specific examples.

if you dont know please dont type it :)



Reading comprehension strategies are helpful to me because it's very important to understand and get as much information out of my reading as I possibly can. I will apply these strategies by focusing on my reading, marking and writing down where I have questions, need to look into an area more, or don't understand a concept or word. I will also highlight areas that are most important and summarize with a short paragraph after I finish reading each section. I will apply these reading strategies because I want to get the most out of my reading and retain as many ideas or information as I'm able to do.

Which sentence below is written most concisely?
Government leaders, and the like, are inclined toward mentioning the creation of new jobs, claiming that these jobs indicate a strong economy, but often ignore to mention the fact that low wage jobs without benefits and security have replaced many good jobs.
Government leaders like to mention the creation of new jobs and claim that these new jobs indicate a strong economy. They do not add that low-wage jobs without benefits and security often replace many good jobs.





i got it right ^^

Which answer contains a proper in-text citation?

a. According to Middlebrook, swimming is unlike other sports because "it uses several different muscle groups (55)."

b. Swimming is unlike other sports because "it uses several different muscle groups" (Middlebrook 55).

c. According to Middlebrook, swimming is unlike other sports because "it uses several different muscle groups." (Middlebrook 55)

d. Swimming is unlike other sports because it uses several different muscle groups, says Middlebrook.
please i need this answer quick :)



B. Swimming is unlike other sports because "it uses several different muscle groups" (Middlebrook 55).


B.Swimming is unlike other sports because "it uses several different muscle groups" (Middlebrook 55)

This is correct because it includes a direct quotation, and The authors name and the page of the book you received the Information from! I took the quiz and got a 100% :D Hope this helps!

write a letter to your headmaster of your school telling him about the bad behaviors of your class teacher




The Headmaster,

Greenhouse School

Mao, Manipur.

Subject: A constructive observations on the inefficiency of the school and remedial measures.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I the undersigned would like to put forth some of my observations and opinions to your esteemed office under you kind consideration.





As a student who has spent almost a decade in this school, I am indebted to the college for what I've become and owns a big share of responsibility especially in moments as this when the administration and whole functioning of the school is quickly degrading.

Firstly a … (more)


The phrase in bold letters is a(n) _______.

*To be sure*, Mary is the most efficient person in her department.


gerund phrase


infinitive phrase


participial phrase

Please Help!



B. Infinitive phrase is the answer

Answer for this please


That’s what I know

Choose the word most similar in meaning to - contradict



one word similar to contradict is deny which means:


state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.

Hope this helps!!!

Answer: Counter


"To counter your argument _______?"

"Yes but, _______?" They countered.

“We were flying in a wide black starry sky, where none of the stars had names”.
What kind of figurative language is this and why?





it is giving an inanamate object ahuman trait

I’m pretty sure the answer would be metaphor.

How does Miep build suspense in this passage? by describing her thoughts in detail by retelling the events of a dangerous situation by quoting her exact words to Henk by revealing her emotional connection to her husband


Answer: by retelling the events of a dangerous situation


edge 2020


She doesn’t share her thoughts, she just states the events


She states the events and includes suspenseful events


“Henk it’s wrong here” does not create suspense


she never reveals her emotional connection to her husband


what he said


Generalizations are broad statements about a category of people, things, or ideas
based on facts and/or observations. They usually state something in common. To be
true, they must be supported by facts.
Look for these words: generally, broadly, commonly, largely, mostly, normally, ordinarily, roughly, typically usually, widely
What generalizations can we make about conflict?

1. Conflict requires...
2. Conflict is composed of...
3. Conflict may be...
4. Conflict leads to...
5. Conflict may allow for...

HELP ^^^^^ I need answers 1-5



Are there any answer choices


I need answer choices

Which statement best describes the structure of “I Hear America Singing”?

The poem is loosely structured and contains rhyme.
The poem is loosely structured and contains repetition.
The poem has a strict structure, including a specific rhythm.
The poem has a strict structure, including repetition.



✔️The poem is loosely structured and contains repetition.


Actually, the structure of the poem is loosely structured and contains repetition. The poet used "The" frequently in the poem. He spoke about various categories of people singing the melodious song: mechanics, shoemaker, wood-cutter, boatman, mason, carpenter and mother.

The poet did not place a structure for the poem even in the rhyme scheme.

"I Hear America Singing" is a poem by Walt Whitman.




Edge 2020

A(n) __ sentence of a paragraph makes you want to read the authors message





A thesis statement

A hook, introduction, or thesis

Experts Debate: Will Computers Edge People Out of the Entire Careers? Answers



In my point of view: Technology is the advancement in which we, humans, have created in order to help us with our needs, and necessities. This may include, scheduling, informing, creating, visualizing, and so on. As technology expands and becomes used and demanded more often, this will cause not to edge people out of the entire career, but to help push them into it.

This is because of several reasons:

a) With the use or more computers and technology being used, this would mean people who are experienced in the field of fixing and creating them would be needed more in the future.

b) People will start becoming efficient with technology, making them be seeked out for jobs. This is a possibility. As we move from modern to modern times, we also are creating more opportunities for ourselves to be more use to technology and submerge ourselves into being able to use it properly and how to engage with it.

As there can be a possible but out of careers, this doesn't mean that people will be ENTIRLEY but out of it, humans are what created this system, and they cannot be easily taken out of it for they are the ones that made it.

Task 2: Crossword Puzzle Fill up the puzzlo with appropriate words to complete
provided for you
word analogics. Clues are
1. P
2. I
5. B


Answer by foggy thhhf Hf he t the GE get egg fgfffgfrennch

Which of the following MOST impacted the spread of blues music to the North?

the end of the Civil War and slavery

the recordings gathered by John A. Lomax and his son

the need for slaves to express the injustices they were suffering

the movement of many African Americans into that part of the country



A. The New of the Civil War and Slavery


After the Civil War and the emancipation of slaves, the blues spread, together with the people who sang and played it. Many former slaves moved from the cotton fields of the southern states to northern cities such as Chicago and Detroit, where the blues became hugely popular.

hope this help! sorry if im wrong.

What is more correct to say:
"She went to thr library and borrowed a book.", or "She was going to the library and borrowed a book." ?​


Answer: the first one

Explanation: the 2nd one is innocrect


she went to the library and borrowed a book


its correct because it saying what she did.

if you were to say "she was going to the library and borrowed a book" you would have to change it to "she was going to the library to borrow a book" for it to make sense. that its why "she went to the library and borrowed a book is correct.

The kids knew they were going to get grounded for breaking curfew. They walked____
into the house.

Word Bank:
contemplated ,sullenness bewildered ,resignedly





I believe the answer is “resignedly.”
The word choices “contemplated” and “sullenness” can be eliminated because they are not in the right tense, so the sentence would be grammatically incorrect. I would eliminate the answer “bewildered” because that implies that they are surprised to be grounded. “Resignedly” means “with resignation and acceptance,” which matches the tone of the sentence (AKA, defeated and ready for their consequence).

Modal verb
Cinderella, you shall not go to the ball


Go is the verb in the sentence. Don’t forget to end your sentence with punctuation!

In the sentence of Modal verb, "I shall not go to the ball" said Cinderella. Modal verb is a special type of verb that is used in the sentences.

What do you mean by the Modal Verb?

Modal verbs express potential, intention, capacity, or necessity. They are used alongside the main verb of the sentence because they are a sort of auxiliary verb (helper verb).

An auxiliary verb known as a modal verb is used to indicate modalities, which are the states or "modes" in which a thing can exist.

Examples of modalities are possibility, ability, prohibition, and necessity. The modal verbs should, must, will, might, and could are a few typical examples.

Therefore, in the sentence of Modal verb, "I shall not go to the ball" said Cinderella. Modal verb is a special type of verb that is used in the sentences.

To know more about the Modal Verb, visit:



kids always eat candles passive voice​



yes passive voice..............


ok according to me I think the passive voice will be candy is always eaten by kids hope it helps you

how does the traveler respond to being called the devil? A. He is upset by it B. He rejects it C. He laughs at it D. He embraces it


He laughs at it so is C

Is this spelt correct? I see a wring of brightly colored coral and many fish



No, the spelling is not correct. The correct sentence should be:

“I see a ring of brightly colored coral and many fish,”





wring isn't spelled right its gonna be ring if its proper lol


(a)"Then Slid His Right Hand Down The Cord And Plucked It, So The Taut Gut Vibrating Hummed And Sang (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.