Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (2025)

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Kyle

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (1)

Ankle injuries are common among athletes and active individuals. An ankle injury can be painful and limit mobility, whether it’s a sprain, strain, or fracture. An ankle brace is one way to prevent further injury and promote healing.

Ankle braces provide external support to limit certain motions and provide awareness of where the ankle joint is in space. They can also help with stability and confidence while walking or engaging in physical activities.

However, knowing when to wear an ankle brace and when to avoid using one is important. Wearing an ankle brace for extended periods of time can weaken the ankle muscles and lead to dependency on the brace. In this article, we will explore the situations in which wearing an ankle brace is recommended and when it’s best to avoid using one.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 When to Wear an Ankle Brace
    • 1.1 Injury Prevention
    • 1.2 Injury Recovery
    • 1.3 Daily Activities
    • 1.4 Sports and Exercise
  • 2 Types of Ankle Braces
    • 2.1 Lace-Up Ankle Braces
    • 2.2 Hinged Ankle Braces
    • 2.3 Compression Ankle Braces
  • 3 How to Choose an Ankle Brace
    • 3.1 Type of Activity
    • 3.2 Level of Support
    • 3.3 Comfort and Fit
  • 4 Summing it Up: When to Wear an Ankle Brace
    • 4.1 Resources

When to Wear an Ankle Brace

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (2)

Injury Prevention

Ankle braces are a great tool for preventing ankle injuries, especially if you are prone to them. If you have weak ankles or have previously suffered from an ankle injury, wearing an ankle brace can help provide additional support and stability to your ankle joint, reducing the likelihood of future injuries. Ankle braces can also be beneficial for individuals who participate in high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, to help prevent ankle sprains.

Injury Recovery

If you have recently suffered from an ankle injury, wearing an ankle brace can help you recover. Ankle braces can provide compression and support, which can help reduce swelling and inflammation and promote healing. Wearing an ankle brace during recovery can also help prevent further injury, as it provides additional support and stability to the ankle joint.

Daily Activities

If you have a job requiring you to be on your feet for long periods, wearing an ankle brace can help provide additional support and reduce the risk of injury. Ankle braces can also be beneficial for individuals who have to walk on uneven surfaces, such as hiking trails or construction sites. Ankle braces can help prevent ankle rolls or twists, which can be painful and lead to further injury.

Sports and Exercise

Athletes who participate in sports that involve jumping, cutting, or sudden changes in direction, such as basketball or soccer, can benefit from wearing an ankle brace. Ankle braces can help prevent ankle sprains, which are common injuries in these types of sports.

Additionally, ankle braces can be worn during exercise to provide additional support and stability to the ankle joint. In summary, wearing an ankle brace can be beneficial for injury prevention, injury recovery, daily activities, and sports and exercise.

Ankle braces provide additional support and stability to the ankle joint, reducing the likelihood of injury and promoting healing. If you are unsure whether an ankle brace is right for you, consult with a healthcare professional.

Types of Ankle Braces

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (3)

Lace-Up Ankle Braces

Lace-up ankle braces are one of the most common types of semi-rigid ankle braces. They are used for mild to moderate ankle sprains and for the prevention of repeat ankle sprains that occur with activity. These braces provide support by wrapping around the ankle and lacing up for a secure fit. They are typically made of neoprene or other breathable materials and can be worn inside shoes.

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (4)

Hinged Ankle Braces

Hinged ankle braces are designed for more severe ankle injuries, such as a high ankle sprain or ankle instability. These braces provide support not only to the ankle joint but also to the lower leg and foot. They have hinges on the sides of the ankle that allow for some movement while still providing stability. Hinged ankle braces are typically made of rigid materials such as plastic or metal and are bulkier than lace-up braces.

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (5)

Compression Ankle Braces

Compression ankle braces are designed to provide support and compression to the ankle joint without restricting movement. They are typically made of stretchy materials such as spandex or nylon and can be worn comfortably under socks and shoes. Compression ankle braces are often used for mild ankle sprains or to prevent ankle injuries during physical activity.

When choosing an ankle brace, it is important to consider the type and severity of the injury, as well as the individual’s activity level and personal preferences. It is also important to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure proper fit and use of the brace.

How to Choose an Ankle Brace

Type of Activity

When choosing an ankle brace, it is important to consider the type of activity you will be doing. For example, if you are participating in high-impact sports such as basketball or volleyball, you may need a more supportive brace than going for a walk. Look for braces specifically designed for the type of activity you will be doing to ensure that you get the appropriate level of support.

Level of Support

Your support level will depend on your injury’s severity and the stability your ankle requires. A soft ankle brace may be sufficient if you have a mild sprain.

However, a rigid ankle brace may be necessary if you have a more serious injury or require more stability. Consider the level of support you need and look for braces that offer the appropriate support.

Comfort and Fit

Comfort and fit are also important factors when choosing an ankle brace. Look for braces made from breathable materials and have a comfortable fit.

Choosing a brace that fits properly is important to ensure it stays in place and provides the necessary support. Consider trying on several braces to find one that feels comfortable and fits well.

When choosing an ankle brace, it is important to consider the type of activity you will be doing, the level of support you need, and the comfort and fit of the brace. Considering these factors, you can choose a brace that will provide the appropriate level of support and help prevent further injury.

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (6)

Summing it Up: When to Wear an Ankle Brace

Ankle braces can be useful for preventing or recovering from ankle injuries, providing external support, and limiting certain motions. However, they should not be relied upon as a long-term solution or a substitute for proper rehabilitation exercises.

It is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the appropriate use of an ankle brace based on individual needs and circumstances. For example, those with chronic ankle instability or a history of ankle sprains may benefit from wearing a brace during certain activities, while others may only need to wear a brace during high-risk activities or while recovering from an injury.

Ankle braces should supplement proper injury prevention and rehabilitation measures, such as strength and flexibility exercises, proper footwear, and avoiding high-risk activities. By taking a comprehensive approach to ankle health, individuals can reduce their risk of injury and improve their overall performance and quality of life.


Mayo Clinic

Family Doctor

Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain (2025)


Ankle Support 101: When to Wear an Ankle Brace and How to Choose the Right One - Help My Foot Pain? ›

After an acute ankle injury, I suggest wearing a rigid ankle brace or a tall walking boot

walking boot
A controlled ankle motion walking boot, also referred to as a controlled ankle movement walking boot, below knee walking boot, CAM boot, CAM walker, or moon boot, is an orthopedic device prescribed for the treatment and stabilization of severe sprains, fractures, and tendon or ligament tears in the ankle or foot. › wiki › Walking_boot
. Put on a soft brace around 4 weeks after the injury. Soft ankle braces will help decrease ankle sprains and swelling.

How do you know if you need an ankle brace? ›

Minor ankle ligament tears (Grade 1) usually don't require a brace unless you have to walk over very uneven terrain or want to continue playing sport throughout your recovery. You're very likely to benefit from wearing an ankle brace if you have a significant ankle ligament tear (Grade 2 or 3).

What is the difference between ankle support and ankle brace? ›

Braces in this category are mainly for treating injuries, including recovery after surgery. For less severe injuries and everyday use, such as for exercising, medi also offers ankle supports. These models offer support and compression without restricting movement.

Can an ankle brace help with foot pain? ›

Wearing an ankle brace can also help to relieve pain and symptoms associated with chronic foot and ankle conditions. If you are at risk of developing foot or ankle problems, wearing an ankle brace may help to prevent these problems from occurring. Be sure to choose a brace that fits well and provides adequate support.

How to select an ankle brace? ›

Fit: Make sure the brace you pick is the right size for your ankle. For example, a sleeve brace slips on like a sock and needs to have a perfect grip. One too small or tight may reduce blood circulation and cause more pain, while one too big will not offer support for the joint.

Do you wear a sock over or under an ankle brace? ›

If you wear an orthosis or brace on your feet, ankles or knees, you need to wear some sort of sock underneath it. The sock protects your skin, keeps your skin dry and helps prevent blisters or sores. For the best protection, wear a sock that extends past the top of your brace.

How many hours a day should you wear an ankle brace? ›

Wear in Schedule

Begin by wearing the brace two times for one hour the first day. Add one hour to each wearing period until you are comfortable wearing the brace full time during the day and do not experience any red marks or pressure sores on the skin.

What are the disadvantages of ankle braces? ›

Wearing an ankle brace can cause reliance

Wearing an ankle brace for too long can cause a reliance on it instead of the natural strength of the ankle. If your young athlete only wears an ankle brace after an injury and does not undergo rehabilitation, the ankle may remain weak, even after healing.

What type of ankle support do I need? ›

After an acute ankle injury, I suggest wearing a rigid ankle brace. Put on a soft brace around 4 weeks after the injury. Soft ankle braces will help decrease ankle sprains and swelling. Finding an ankle brace you can be active in and supportive to prevent a new ankle sprain is a great long-term goal.

What is the best brace for ankle pain? ›

Rigid braces: Doctors often prescribe rigid braces to athletes or active people to help them recover from an ankle sprain or stress fracture. This type of ankle brace is made from hard plastic that extends up either side of the ankle and is secured with Velcro straps.

Is it OK to always wear an ankle brace? ›

Ankle injuries are notoriously persistent and can result in decreased functional performance. Ankle braces are helpful in preventing injury and reinjury of an athlete, however using ankle braces throughout the year has been shown to have deleterious effects on the ankle over time.

Should you sleep with an ankle brace on or off? ›

Use braces, compression, or supports should be for daytime use only. However, you can use an ankle wrap at night for extra support. Make sure the wrap stays loose enough for some movement and circulation. Do not wrap the foot as tight as you would in daytime use for more movement.

Is it okay to walk with ankle brace? ›

You may be able to walk with an ankle splint, but often not right away. After injuries such as sprains, fractures, and dislocations occur, they usually need time to heal before weight-bearing. Walking or weight bearing too soon may slow healing or cause further damage.

How do I know my ankle support size? ›

Size Guide For Ankles

Measure the circumference of above the ball of your ankle with your foot resting flat on the ground. If you are between sizes it is advisable to go for the larger size.

Is a wrap or brace better for ankle? ›

Both ankle taping and wearing an ankle brace during sports and activity can reduce the risk of an ankle injury, however, an ankle brace is generally considered the best choice for ankle protection.

How tight should ankle compression be? ›

The wrap should be snug but should not cut off circulation to the foot. Check your toes. If they become purplish or blue, cool to the touch, or numb or tingly, the wrap is too tight and should be loosened. Also, loosen the wrap at night before bedtime.

How should an ankle brace feel? ›

An ankle brace or ankle sleeve should be comfortably tight. This means the brace should feel compressive throughout the foot and ankle, but not cut off circulation or cause any type of pain or discomfort. This type of fit can be difficult with swelling in the foot or ankle.

Does an ankle brace reduce swelling? ›

One of the major uses of an ankle brace is to immobilize the joint and help to reduce swelling after an injury. Among the many problems that can be helped by wearing an ankle brace are sprains, Achilles tendonitis, and arthritis.

Does an ankle brace help heal? ›

Ankle braces can be helpful for your young athlete and provide additional stability while recovering from an injury, but it is important that they still receive proper medical care and rehabilitation. While ankle braces don't replace rehabilitation programs, they can supplement treatment.


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.