Kiss of Luck (Syndicate Masters: Midwest) (2024)

Kathy Heare Watts

6,281 reviews175 followers

March 5, 2023


The story is the beginning of a new Syndicate Masters series and will be a second-chance romance for Beck and Saylor who had been sweethearts. They were in college together, both in law—so when Saylor disappeared, Beck hadn’t a clue why. They will be apart for ten years when the funeral of his uncle will bring them back together. But this time, it will be on opposite sides of the law.

Saylor Keaton has changed her name to Martha Blackstone and has been working as an analyst with the Organized Crime Bureau (OCB) and now they are using her to go undercover and infiltrate the Phoenix Syndicate and help them take down Randall ‘Beck’ Beckett.

The story’s plot will have Saylor showing up in Chicago at the cemetery for the funeral of Beck’s uncle. While she thinks she is disguised, he knows who she is and he approaches her. She is a bit naïve to think that he won’t have his way—and he insists that she rides back to the estate with him in the limo. But that isn’t all that Beck will insist she do—and when they arrive at the estate, anyone near the limo will see them in flagrante delicto.

“You’ll find the alpha generally gets what he wants. And what he wants right now, is you.”—Joe
Saylor: Holding me here against my will is illegal.

Beck: As you pointed out, I’m a gangster. Illegal is kind of my stock-in-trade.
Saylor: I think I’d rather go back to my room. I will not perpetuate this farce that I am anything other than a prisoner in front of your people.
Beck: If you wish to dine alone in our room tonight, I will allow it.
Saylor: In other words, you acknowledge that I am your prisoner.
Beck: I acknowledge that you are my fiancée and that you are being difficult. You will be happy with me Saylor—if you allow yourself to be.
Saylor: And if I don’t?
Beck: I will make you happy in spite of yourself.
Saylor: I never should have come here.
Beck: That isn’t true, beloved. You should have come home years ago.

“Saylor melted into him and feared she might lose herself forever in his warmth. He was the target. He was the bad guy, but at this moment, he was everything she’d ever wanted. No doubt about it, she was lost.”

The story has the good, the bad, and the evil. Find out why Saylor left to begin with and what changes her mind once she is back. The chemistry between Beck and Saylor never changed, and if anything, is even stronger. In truth, they both never fell out of love with one another and now that they are back together, that bond is even stronger. Will the one thing that Saylor fears scare her away, or will she realize that love is stronger than fear?

“What had started out as an assignment to destroy the Phoenix Syndicate had become her date with destiny.”

    discipline dominant-submission explicit-sex-scenes


2,392 reviews

March 4, 2023

A wonderful read, terrific characters and the plot is so well written you will be blown away
The separation of years had been long and not for one moment had Saylor forgotten the man she had loved Beck and then after having lunch with his uncle she had one more night of passion and had then waited until he was in a satiated sleep and she has run away from him and disappeared for over ten years.
Working for the OCB as one of their best Analysts she had then been ordered to go undercover with the assignment parameters that she discover what ever she could about his reign and the business he undertook to pay for his lifestyle along with all of his clan.
However, Beck had been waiting for her to arrive at his Uncles funeral and he also knew that she was being used as a plant by an OCB, he would get her back and it would be as though the ten years had never happened, that they had never been separated and now they were to be married after all she was his “Fated Mate".
Then the OCB try to get Saylor back by using false charges on a warrant but there is no truth in the accusations and the Solicitor had contacted the Judge and the warrant had been crushed and when they had visited the police station to see if they were able to clear any queries they had and then returned home to the clan and Mrs C who ran the individuals religiously, keeping them all happy and safe after all they were family.
When they are attacked by a group he had known they would come when the wedding was in progress and she had been willing to do anything to stand by her mates side along with the rest of the pack and now she would stand strong with her clan.
This was simply a wonderful read and I guarantee that once you read this wonderful book that you would enjoy every moment of this wonderful book.
I assure you that you will love every moment of this book it is simply a fantastic read.
I voluntarily received and review an Advanced Reader Copy
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and look forward to reading any future publications; keep up all the great writing.


812 reviews

March 10, 2023

Ten years ago Saylor ran from Beck in fear and confusion. He didn't know why she had disappeared but he knew that someday he would find her again and then he would never let her go. When Beck's uncle dies, Saylor comes back into Beck's life. Unfortunately, things aren't as straightforward as the two of them just picking up where they left off. Can they overcome the obstacles in their way?

I like that the author made Saylor an agent sent in to try to catch Beck breaking the law. The author did a good job setting up how it was possible for Saylor to find herself caught up in the sting operation. The author included enough of Saylor's struggle to come to terms with the fact that she wanted to be with Beck that it was believable. The fact that Beck kept telling Saylor he would spank her was even a reasonable addition to the story given their prior history. I like that the author had "bad" guys that pertained to this story and to the bigger series of stories.

I did question Beck's timeline of finding Saylor and tracking her. It seemed at times like he had found earlier than six months ago. And the information that Saylor played at adult clubs was just dropped into the story and went nowhere. (I have read the prior books so I at least expected this story to tie into one of the clubs from prior books).

This is a contemporary shifter book set in Chicago. This story includes elements that some people might find objectionable. For example, holding someone against their will. I will read more from this author in the future.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


Donna Louise

794 reviews12 followers

March 5, 2023

What a treat we are in for with this new series by Ms. James. A second chance romance that she belted out of the park. She has the ability to instill passion and integrity into her characters even when they live outside of the law.

Saylor and Beck made a perfect couple, or should I say purr- fect. If they could go back in time and have an honest conversation than the last ten years apart would never have happened. Even though Saylor did not believe Beck’s uncle’s story about his heritage she ran. The OCB used Saylor to infiltrate and set Beck up with the intention of bringing down his organization. What they did was throw her into the Leopard Den where their plan failed. One kiss was all it took for her to forget her goal. One touch and the walls started to crumble around her heart. I admired Sayor’s strength. Her commitment. She was sassy, feisty and always quick with a retort, but she was a bundle of goo in Beck’s arms.

Beck may have been a gangster but one with morals who cared for his people. Oh he was dangerous and deadly but I loved how he cherished Saylor. He had been actively seeking her six months and was ready when she attended his uncle's funeral. It didn't take him long to inform Saylor of his plans. Plans that would see them marry and mate. His enemies tried to burn him down, but they soon found out that the Phoenix would always rise again.

Beck and Saylor’s relationship was complex. They broke the rules meant to keep them apart. Who knew there was honor based in the criminal world? This book was steamy, dark, and delicious in so many ways. I loved it.


1,692 reviews11 followers

March 12, 2023

The first book in the Midwest Syndicate series brings Saylor Keaton back to Chicago to bring down her former love, Randall Beckett/Beck. This is an enjoyable, fast-paced read. It’s been 10 years since Saylor left Beck with no goodbye or explanation. He finally learns where she is 6 months before the present day action in this book and prepares for her return and to claim his fated mate.

Saylor is brought in on an undercover mission aimed at bringing down her ex love, Randall Beckett/Beck and she’s on board. When she arrives in Chicago and attend his uncle’s funeral, Beck knows she’s there and approaches her. A steamy ride in the back of his limo on the ride to his clan’s estate he seduces her and upon arriving at the estate their steamy reunion is evident in a very public way.

Saylor quickly changes her stance from fighting against her feelings for Beck and determined to bring him down to quitting her job and declaring her love for Beck and deciding she wants to be with Beck.

The relationship between these two falls back in place within a few hours of them being back in close proximity of each other. Even though neither of them have been celibate the last 10 years while apart, thankfully there isn’t any drama or angst involving other people.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


108 reviews5 followers

March 12, 2023

I liked the characters but found the plot quite similar to another in the series: the heroine is an undercover federal agent who was involved in a D/s relationship with the shifter gangster alpha at some point in the past, another mafia family strikes the alpha's home compound, revenge is taken, some of the feds are friends with the alpha, the alpha is beloved by his shifter clan, etc. Probably, if I hadn't read some of the other Syndicate Masters books in the series I would have been more excited by this one. However, it's set in Chicago and since I'm familiar with the city it was fun to catch references to places I knew. My enthusiasm was also tempered because Beck, the leopard shifter alpha, doesn't tell his fated mate Saylor that his claiming bite will turn her into a leopard shifter like him. He seems happy with the decision to keep her in the dark on that point, but we don't learn how she reacted on the morning after. This is in keeping with his behavior throughout. He tells his second in command that he'll marry her quickly, even if she protests, because he's sure she'll come around. In fact, she DOES come around but I guess for me, this was just a little TOO alpha.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

March 1, 2023

I have to say that when I started this book, I did not like the female character. It was almost as if she was willing to do ANYTHING for her job - even sleeping with her Ex, because she and her bosses knew that would happen. The fact that she was willing to go along with her bosses plan just hit me wrong. Saylor is a smart woman - if she wasn't she would not have been an analyst for OCB. So while she may have told herself she would not sleep with Beck, she knew she would probably have to and the fact she was willing to do so just did not sit right with me. But as the story moved along, I soon began to like Saylor. It was very clear that the connection Saylor and Beck has with each other did not diminish over time. It still there 10 years later. Saylor quickly realized that her life with Beck was more important than her work with the OCB. As their future together grows, forces soon try to break them apart. All in all it was a very enjoyable book (even though it took a while to warm to Saylor). I look forward to reading the other two books planned for this series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Rhonda Hicks

4,182 reviews74 followers

March 21, 2023

Delta James has proven herself to be the Mistress of the Syndicate Masters series and I'm proud to say I've been captivated by all of them since their inception. 'Kiss of Luck' is the first and newest book in her new "Syndicate Masters: Midwest" series and it sets the tone for an exhilarating series. This is a second-chance mafia/paranormal romance with a bit of BDSM and it's HAWT. Saylor and Beck were high school sweethearts and lovers from opposite ends of the social circle. Both had intended to study law but where Saylor was wanting to go into law enforcement, Beck was taking law as a backup in the Phoenix Syndicate he was part of. A lunch date with Beck's Uncle had brought enough fear and insecurity to light within Saylor that she ran in the middle of the night. Finding a new name and life she has stayed hidden in plain sight until her employer talked her into getting involved and that changed everything. Ms. James' characters are always relatable with their flawed personality traits and her storylines are riveting and this one is no exception. What a great beginning to what looks like another epic series.

Michelle Carey Martin

800 reviews1 follower

June 10, 2023


In this shifter story the Alpha never shifts with his girl around... Its only at the beginning he shifts at all... I think I was disappointed. In most of this authors previous stories there is a point the female either sees him shift or where he teaches her to shift but this story ends without her asking to see his leopard or catching him as a leopard once... For a shifter story it really forgot to have any shifting. The story is okay but I kinda felt the decision to join him was a bit to convenient, she's on a boat fleeing him and some other people start shooting and she decides to be with him... It would maybe have been better to have her get captured and him rescue her then to have her take out the enemy and decide she loves him... It just seemed too easy when she ran away for a long time afraid of what he was... To just suddenly during a boat chase be okay with it... I kinda expected him to shift once or twice and her to learn to shift... That's part of these stories but not this one the get married and he claims her and that's it it's over, no shifting for either of them.


3,479 reviews

March 1, 2023

Saylor was a pleasant surprise. She used her strength as an analyst to protect herself, take out her adversaries, and think her way through determining their end game. I resented the OCB's plans for Saylor to infiltrate the Phoenix Syndicate. They really had no idea about Beck's possible reaction.

I did like Saylor and Beck together. As much as he wanted to protect her, he seemed to respect her talents. Beck was the Alpha and he seemed to mellow out just a touch after he connected with Saylor.

I also appreciated the touches of action, suspense, and mystery. I liked the witty banter Saylor had with not only Beck, but Joe and Mrs. C. as well.

One thing I didn't expect was the information Beck's uncle provided to Saylor. On top of that, the response and acknowledgment or lack thereof later in the book. There were some other things I would have liked to have seen in Beck and Saylor's story, but it was an enjoyable read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed the Advanced Reader Copy of this book.


1,804 reviews14 followers

March 2, 2023

This is the 1st book in the Syndicate Masters: Midwest series by Delta James and this is Saylor (analyst/OCB agent) and Beck (Alpha of the Phoenix Syndicate) story. Their story began 10 years earlier, they were so much in love but then she disappeared without a word. More forward and the connection Saylor and Beck have with each other did not diminish over time. It still there 10 years later. Saylor quickly realized that her life with Beck was more important than her work with the OCB. They sent her to infiltrate Beck's clan and wanted her to discover how to bring down his syndicate regardless of the cost to her herself! But she used her strength as an analyst to protect herself, to think her way out of trouble and to protect the people she loves e.g. Beck! Both of them together were impregnable and a force to be reckoned with as the OCB discovered. Beck respected her person and her talents. The banter Saylor had with Beck, Joe and Mrs. C. was terrific. I just loved the book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


776 reviews19 followers

March 7, 2023

This is the first book in the new series Midwest Mafia by Delta James.

Saylor and Beck became lovers in college and they were a perfect couple (Beck’s fated Mate)
After having lunch with Beck’s uncle he told her unbelievable tale of Beck’s family. If they could only go back in time and had a conversation but instead Saylor ran and changed her identity. Even though Saylor did not believe Beck’s uncle’s story about his heritage she ran and joined the OCB.

The OCB is trying to use Saylor to infiltrate and set Beck up to gather information to bringing down his criminal organization. Only what they did was throw her right back into Beck’s arms, where their plan failed spectacularly.
With only one kiss Saylor knew It was all over for her, she would have to run again. It took an assault team trying to kill Beck for her to forget her goal. One final touch and the walls crumbled around her heart.

I admired Sayor’s sassy,
feisty, strength. Her commitment to Beck and his clan. A wonderful new series for us to enjoy, can't wait for more.

Shifty Bugger

5,177 reviews24 followers

March 7, 2023

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Wow! What an amazing book this was I didn't want it to finish, the storyline of a Mafia Snow Leppard and the characters were really sensational. This story was about Saylor and Randall Beckett (Beck) is a dominant paranormal Alpha boss with his Phoenix Syndicate while Saylor is there to take him down. Saylor and Beck were in a relationship about ten years ago his uncle told Saylor that she is not good for him so when he was asleep she disappeared in the night. Saylor had an assignment and that was to get close to Beck and get information they need to put him behind bars, so she went to his uncles funeral and that when Beck doesn't want to let her go they are still in love but when the truth comes will they still be together. With all the lie, betrayals, secrets, spankings, pain with pleasure, passion, rough and plenty more emotions throughout.

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755 reviews6 followers

March 2, 2023

Wow! Bring On More Shifters!

Delta writes about sexy shifter out of this world, it makes you want one of them for your own! This time it’s Beck, what a man, having lost his fated mate ten years ago, he’d never stopped looking for her!

I loved the way he wasn’t afraid to admit how much he loved and missed her and although a Dom, with Saylor he had a soft spot. Yes he still expected her to obey him in everything but he was so tender and loving with her and both their emotions can be felt throughout the storyline.

Saylor had been asked to infiltrate his organisation and tried her best to resist him but Beck wasn’t having any of it. She was his and he intended to marry her, mate her and turn her!

Whew! The steam just rolls of the pages and paired with a great storyline gives you one fantastic recommended read!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


2,044 reviews18 followers

March 3, 2023

This is a wonderful second-chance romance. Saylor and Beck were high school sweethearts, but not so sweet. Even then Beck was the dominant to Saylor's submission. Then Beck's uncle has lunch with Saylor and drives her away. 10 years later, Saylor is working for OCB as an analyst. Her bosses want her to reach out to Beck again so that she can get evidence to have him arrested. But when they get together, Saylor feels the old attraction to Beck and decides that she doesn't want to go through with the trap. Beck knows who she is and what she wants, but he is Alpha and he wants his fated mate, so he brings her to his home. Beck starts out over-the-top, but he quickly moves to the warm, loving man who wants Saylor in his life. Yes, he is dominant, but he shows Saylor his love as well. Once everything is worked through, they have their HEA.

I received an advance copy and this is my honest review.

Amy Reads Romance

991 reviews10 followers

March 5, 2023

Saylor is in a unique position as an agent for the FBI's Organized Crime Bureau. Her former lover, Beck, is the head of the Phoenix Syndicate in Chicago, and she is being sent in to infiltrate the organization and take him down. Once she gets there, everything changes. She never stopped loving Beck in the ten years since their affair. He wants her back, and will do anything it takes to keep her, and claim her as his mate.

An over the top Alpha leopard shifter, Beck is very dominant. Saylor is no wilting violet. Confident in her attractiveness and her smarts, she submits to Beck willingly, as he lovingly claims her. Their story is beautifully written, and sets up the other two books in this spinoff series. Delta James sure knows how to tell a shifter story! A must read, this one is absolutely worth the one click.

I received an ARC for this book and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

Marlene Davis

1,025 reviews4 followers

March 8, 2023

While in college, Saylor fell for her classmate, Randall Beckett. Both were criminal justice majors, with Saylor leaning toward the FBI while Randall (AKA Beck) knowing his future led down a different path as the head of the Phoenix Syndicate of Chicago...and Saylor fled after a fateful meeting with Beck's uncle who was the current head of clan...with him telling her the nature of the business and a secret so stunning she snuck out of Beck's the uncle is dead and the Organized Crime Bureau a branch of the FBI wants her to infiltrate the Phoenix Syndicate to bring down her former lover...but she's lived under an assumed identity since leaving as Beck's been looking for her for years, so would throwing herself back into his world regain his trust...but could Saylor see him again and still do her
job??? I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


276 reviews

March 11, 2023

Saylor Keaton fled Chicago ten years ago out of fear.
Randall Beckett is the Alpha of the Phoenix Syndicate in Chicago and has been searching for Saylor ever since. Saylor has been working for the FBI as an analyst and is tasked with going undercover to infiltrate Beck's organization. When Beck is informed that Saylor is being sent to his uncle funeral as part of her task, he sees this as a way to make her his. Saylor is torn between the man she has always loved and the job she must do. She finds out very early that undercover work is not for her. But can she be the wife of a criminal who is not completely human? Overall, this was a fast and enjoyable read that will segway into other connected syndicate books. I cannot wait for the next installments.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Coastie Mom

1,202 reviews5 followers

March 14, 2023

Beck and Saylor – WOW!!! To go from young lovers to absent for 10 years because of something Beck’s uncle said to her that freaked her out. But during those 10 years, neither one could forget the other. Saylor is now an analyst for a division in the FBI. Beck is now the boss of the Phoenix Syndicate. The FBI will pull out all the stops to bring the syndicate down – even using Saylor as a decoy.

10 years does nothing to the passion and sparks between Beck and Saylor. She wants to deny, but her body won’t let her. Will Beck be able to make Saylor see reason and show that they are what the other needs? This story is full of lies, deception, betrayal, reconciliations, lots of passion, secrets and truths. Great story and I cannot wait for the next story to come out. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Christine Biesheuvel

196 reviews1 follower

April 16, 2024

(Amazon, Bookbub, Goodreads, Kobo, B&N 16-4-24)
Gentlemen Gangsters, Fated Mates against a Cartel
The three books in this series are the continuing story of the fight against a Colombian cartel, that is trying to get a new road into the US for drugs producing and distributing. The heads/Alphas of the Syndicates in three cities, Chicago (book 1), St Louis (book 2) and New Orleans (book 3) will do everything in their power to prevent this and send them back to South America. At the same time they seek and find their fated mates. Gentlemen gangsters, hugely handsome, very dominant and their strong willed, stubborn, not so submissive mates. It stands for hours of enjoyable reading, witty stories with lots of action, steamy love making and HEA’s. If this sounds like a book that you would like to read, ms James is the author to provide those. I loved them all!

Kaye Robinson

838 reviews2 followers

March 5, 2023

A Touch of Luck..

I have absolutely loved Delta’s Syndicate Masters series and with this we now move to the Midwest Mafia and the Phoenix Syndicate is under scrutiny from the FBI and they want to send in Saylor Keaton their top analyst and Randell (Beck) Beckett’s fated mate (even if they don’t know it) to bring down the syndicate.
But these two have a long history together from past lovers until Saylor runs from Beck after finding out the clans secret but had never betrayed her love for the Beck, but when she is sent back to infiltrate the syndicate Beck takes matters into his own hands to make Saylor his forever mate…
With betrayal, twists and suspense and a well written plot that Carrie’s through to the next book definitely made this a hard to put down read for me..

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


3,007 reviews23 followers

March 8, 2023

Saylor left Beck ten years before now she is sent back into his life.
Ten years ago Saylor Keaton was told something about Randall Beckett that caused her to run and hide by changing her name but she had missed him ever since. Now he is the head of Phoenix Syndicate in Chicago and she was working for the Organized Crime Bureau and knowing their past they use her to go undercover to trap Beck. Beck hears from his sources that his fated mate is going to be used against him and waits for the plan to go into action.

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Merilu Keenum

662 reviews6 followers

March 9, 2023

Saylor left Beck 10 years ago even though she knew she loved him. He’s a gangster and she’s law enforcement but together none of that matters. Their physical, emotional, and sexual attraction is beyond off the charts. She needs his dominance and he knows they’re destined for forever.

Delta’s books are one clicks for me: the characters, their interactions, and the settings are beautifully crafted. This couple is strong, mutually respectful, and committed to each other. Danger, secrets, and drama makes this story interesting. Love her books!.

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Michelle Graves

1,840 reviews2 followers

February 19, 2024

Can a woman change her mind about her pasts?

Unfortunately she had a job 2 do and she didn't like it at all. She hasn't seen him in over 10 yrs now, can Saylor have what she's always dreamed of or will she put everyone in jail 2 rot? Read and find out. The only thing I didn't care 4 is the very end cause things should have been drawn out more about "the change". But it was interesting how things that have been away so long can wrap a person up in love like it's never left if it's truly ft between mates. even b4 his uncle died he tried 2 make amends without really saying why but did he find out the truth about that x yrs ago?

Liz Sadowsky

585 reviews4 followers

March 3, 2023

Just loved Beck and Saylor’s story. She a very strong willed analyst for the OCB and he’s the crime syndicate boss she’s trying to take down. One huge problem she is also his fated mate! From knowing each other intimately 10 years ago to now the bond between them has not grown any weaker. How they work through and build a new relationship, plus take down the bad guys makes for a fantastic page turning read ! Loved it!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Brenda Moser

8,640 reviews114 followers

March 8, 2023

This is a well written second chance romance between high school sweethearts Saylor and Beck. The author brings strong characters and weaves an interesting story as she brings them together ten years later. The spark is still there but she's there under false pretenses. There's action and suspense, twists, a ton of romance and a fun banter. It moves fluidly with descriptive scenes and is a great shifter story.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own and freely given.

Secret Romance Junkie

508 reviews

March 9, 2023

Beck is 100% all alpha including being thoroughly infuriating and over protective. But what completely sets him apart is he is an alpha that is not afraid to express his feelings and apologize when warranted. Saylor is his perfect fated mate. She is feisty with a nasty temper and is absolutely hilarious when intoxicated. I was dying. Commitment is not something she takes lightly and she knows how to stand her ground. Delta James is the master of authoring remarkable shifter romances that captivate you from the very beginning to the finish. This is just another example of her brilliance.


817 reviews3 followers

March 11, 2023

Kiss of Luck is fierce, sexy, and a fun read. Bossy overprotective Alpha and Sassy hard headed female, what could be better! The story is written so well the characters are so entertaining with their animosity and underlying love. Not to mention the side characters that the author is so good at creating. I enjoyed watching them make their way to their HEA, and the author kept me on my toes with the action, adventures and steamy scenes. I totally recommend reading!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


875 reviews1 follower

March 11, 2023

Hot and steamy with danger that only a shape shifting mafia can bring . Beck is a leopard shifter his fated mate walked out on him years ago. He never gave up hope to find her. Saylor is a human woman who left the only man she ever loved. His uncle got to ans scared her. After years apart, Beck has Saylor where he wants her. She doesn't give up easly until she was attacked to realize she belongs with him. Enjoyed reading this story and ready to read the next in this series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Sassy Angel

2,501 reviews

March 13, 2023

This is the start of another series by Delta James that is sure to be amazing. I loved Saylor and Beck. I loved that they were together before events led to their separation. Now, Saylor is back in his city and realm and Beck will not let her get away again. He knows that she is his Fated Mate but he needs to convince her to give them another chance. Saylor is asked to go undercover to bring Beck and his syndicate down. She needs to make a choice. Will she choose love this time?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Kiss of Luck (Syndicate Masters: Midwest) (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.