Lemon Fudge Recipe | JUST 2 ingredients! (2024)

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This lemon fudge recipe is the easiest and yet the most delicious fudge ever! It uses JUST 2 ingredients and is the simplest fudge recipe you will ever make. This lemon fudge is terrific for sharing, gifting, or when you want to indulge at home.

Lemon Fudge Recipe

Learn how to make this easy lemon fudge recipe with this step-by-step tutorial. This lemon fudge recipe is a sweet-tart treat the whole family will enjoy. Made with fairly common ingredients, you can make this easy recipe with your children or grandchildren – this is such a simple recipe that nearly anyone can make it!

If you like lemon recipes will quickly become one of your favorite recipes. The delicious lemon flavor really comes through. This is not a traditional lemon fudge. If you would like an unusual fudge recipe that is different than a traditional fudge recipe, try this sweet treat today!

How to make Lemon Fudge:

1. Prep – Spray an 8×8 pan with non-stick spray, line it with parchment paper, and get a double boiler going.
2. Melt the white chocolate and lemon curd together in the double boiler. Remove from heat and stir the fudge mixture well.
3. Pour the mixture into the bottom of the prepared pan, smooth, and garnish.
4. Chill – Let the lemon fudge chill for 4 hours or until completely firm.
5. Cut – Once firm, lift fudge from the pan and cut fudge on a cutting board. Enjoy!

If you enjoy making homemade fudge recipes, try these easy fudge recipes:

Key Lime Fudge Recipe
Strawberry Fudge Recipe
Salted Dark Chocolate Bourbon Fudge Recipe

Tips and variations for making this Lemon Fudge Recipe:

● Double boiler – The only thing you have to watch for is that your chocolates are melting at pretty much the same rate in the double boiler. And please use a double boiler and do not melt the chocolate in a microwave. The double boiler will prevent burning and hardening, and the microwave does not.
● This recipe used store-bought lemon curd. Homemade lemon curd recipe
● Lemon curd is found in the baking section with the pie fillings and/or in the jelly section of your local grocery store.
● The 10 ounces of lemon curd in this recipe was one jar.
● The 24 ounces of white chocolate chips were one bag.
● If you would like a stronger yellow color, add a few drops of yellow food coloring or yellow food gel after the white chocolate chips have melted.
● If you would like to sprinkle some lemon zest on top, do so before the fudge sets up. Simply the lemon from the lemon rind. The difference between the lemon peel and the lemon rind is that the peel includes all parts of the exterior of the lemon, including the white pith. The rind is the color that you zest.
● A candy thermometer is not necessary to make this recipe.

● If you plan on making 36 servings, that is cutting 6 rows x 6 rows. If you plan on making 25 servings, that is cutting 5 rows by 5 rows.
● Place one sheet of parchment paper across the pan. Place the second sheet of parchment paper across the first sheet (to form an +).
● It is best if the rest of the ingredients are not altered as they specifically complement or counteract each other in the perfect manner. I would not be able to offer any other suggestions as substitutions that would work in the same manner.
● Fudge can be stored in the fridge or freezer in an airtight container. It will last up to two weeks in either situation. Do not store fudge at room temperature.

Lemon Fudge Recipe Ingredients:

● 24oz White Chocolate
● 10 oz Lemon Curd

Lemon Fudge Mise en Place:

● Silicone or Rubber Spatula
● Spoon
Measuring Cup
Measuring Spoons
8″x8″ Cake Pan
● Double Boiler
Parchment Paper

Lemon Fudge Recipe Directions:

1. Lightly grease an 8″ x 8″ square pan and line it with parchment paper (in the shape of a +). Set aside.
2. Over medium heat boil the water in your double boiler. In the double boiler upper container (or a bowl snugly fitted over a saucepan filled with simmering water), melt the white chocolate chips and lemon curd.

3. Remove from stove and mix melted ingredients until well combined.

4. Pour mixture into the prepared pan. Spread the fudge mixture to the ends of the pan, and smooth the top with a spatula.
5. Allow the lemon fudge to chill in the fridge for 4 hours, up to overnight.

6. Remove the fudge by picking up the ends of the parchment paper and lift the fudge straight up. Place on a cutting board and using a sharp knife cut into 25 (5×5) or 36 (6×6) even squares.

7. Serve immediately.
8. Store the leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge.

Yield: 1

Lemon Fudge Recipe

Lemon Fudge Recipe | JUST 2 ingredients! (10)

Lemon Fudge Recipe. This lemon fudge recipe is the easiest and yet the most delicious fudge ever! It uses JUST 2 ingredients and is the simplest fudge recipe you will ever make. This lemon fudge is terrific for sharing, gifting, or when you want to indulge at home.

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time5 minutes

Additional Time6 hours

Total Time6 hours 15 minutes


  • 24oz White Chocolate
  • 10 oz Lemon Curd


    1. Lightly grease an 8″ x 8″ square pan and line it with parchment paper (in the shape of a +). Set aside.
    2. Over medium heat boil the water in your double boiler. In the double boiler upper container (or a bowl snugly fitted over a saucepan filled with simmering water), melt the white chocolate chips and lemon curd.
    3. Remove from stove and mix melted ingredients until well combined.
    4. Pour mixture into the prepared pan. Spread the fudge mixture to the ends of the pan, and smooth the top with a spatula.
    5. Allow the lemon fudge to chill in the fridge for 4 hours, up to overnight.
    6. Remove the fudge by picking up the ends of the parchment paper and lift the fudge straight up. Place on a cutting board and using a sharp knife cut into 25 (5×5) or 36 (6×6) even squares.
    7. Serve immediately.
    8. Store the leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 126Total Fat: 7gSaturated Fat: 4gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 14mgSodium: 31mgCarbohydrates: 14gFiber: 0gSugar: 14gProtein: 1g

Note: for exact nutritional information, consult your dietitian. All nutritional information provided is simply a guideline.

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Lemon Fudge Recipe | JUST 2 ingredients! (2024)


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