Special Heartless Guide - Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix (2024)

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Special Heartless Guide

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix introduced new special Heartless for each of the worlds. Defeating these Heartless is the only way to obtain the “Stone” level synthesis materials. Each one of them has some sort of gimmick you’ll need to overcome in order to defeat them and claim the rewards.

Wonderland Special Heartless: Gigas Shadow

Special HeartlessGigas Shadow
Drops:Lucid Shard
Fury Stone

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Gigas Shadow

The Gigas Shadow can only be found in the Bizarre Room in Wonderland. The easiest way to force the spawn is to land your Gummi Ship in the Queen’s Castle and head through the door to the Bizarre Room. Heading straight here from the Gummi Ship seems to force the spawn. You’ll know that the Special Heartless will spawn if the usual Heartless are replace by a large group of Shadows that spawn in a circle around the table in the center of the room.

Defeat the waves of Shadows that spawn and you’ll eventually get a circle of enormous Shadow Heartless, these are the Gigas Shadows.

If one of these Heartless manage to land a hit on you they will vanish and the pool of rewards will drop. The easiest method for defeating these Heartless without having a hit landed on Sora is to lure them towards a corner and summon Dumbo. While riding Dumbo, they cannot damage Sora and you can use Dumbo’s water spray to damage them. Try to make sure going into the battle, that you equip as many Magic and Summoning boost items to Sora as you can. To increase the length of time that Dumbo can be used, be sure to also equip as many people as you can with the Cheer skill.

Gigas Shadow Rewards

A table of all the rewards you can receive from defeating Wonderland's Special Heartless, the Gigas Shadow.

No. Of Gigas Shadows Defeated:Rewards:
1.- Lucid Shard (10%)
2.- Lucid Shard (20%)
3.- Lucid Shard (35%)
- Fury Stone (10%)
4.- Lucid Shard (50%)
- Fury Stone (20%)
5.- Lucid Shard (100%)
- Fury Stone (35%)
6.- Lucid Shard (100%)
- Fury Stone (50%)
7.- Lucid Shard (100%)
- 2x Fury Stone (100%)

Special Heartless: White Mushroom

Special HeartlessWhite Mushroom
Drops:See table below.

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: White Mushroom

White Mushroom Heartless can appear in every world and will mime the spell they wish you to use on them. If you use the correct spell three times in a row you’ll be rewarded. If you can manage to wait for them to want the exact same spell three times then you’ll receive the best possible drops for that element and a possiblity of obtaining the rare Mystery Goo synthesis material.

The further you progress in the game the more spells the White Mushrooms will request. Due to this it is useful to head to the earliest possible location that they start to request the move, so that what they will request isn’t diluted by as many other spells you may not want the rewards for.

White Mushroom Rewards

A table of all the rewards you can receive from defeating the White Mushroom Special Heartless.

Mime:Spell to Use:Best Location:Rewards:
ShiveringFireLotus Forest, Wonderland.- Fire Arts
- Blaze Materials
- Mystery Goo
Fanning itselfBlizzardLotus Forest, Wonderland.- Blizzard Arts
- Frost Materials
- Mystery Goo
Light appears aboveThunderLotus Forest, Wonderland.- Thunder Arts
- Thunder Materials
- Mystery Goo
Falls to the groundCureCampsite, Deep Jungle.- Cure Arts
- Bright Materials
- Mystery Goo
Hovers in the airGravityTreasure Room, Agrabah.- Gravity Arts
- Lucid Materials
- Mystery Goo
Freezes in placeStopBelow the Deck of the Sunken Ship, Atlantica.- Stop Arts
- Power Materials
- Mystery Goo
Spins in placeAeroGraveyard, Halloween Town.- Aero Arts
- Spirit Materials
- Mystery Goo

Deep Jungle Special Heartless: Black Ballade

Special HeartlessBlack Ballade
Drops:1, 2, or 3 correct guesses:
- Lightning Stone (10%)

4 correct guesses:
- Lightning Stone (100%)
- 2x Lightning Stone (10%)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Black Ballade

Black Ballade is the Special Heartless that appears in the Deep Jungle world, in the Bamboo Thicket. As you move closer to it, it will split into 5 identical Heartless. From here one will jump to indicate the correct one, then all five will begin to shuffle themselves, rapidly, around the screen. When they settle and stop, you must approach and strike the correct one with your Keyblade. If you are correct a sound will chime and the game will begin again. If you are incorrect, Sora will be hit by a small lightning shock and the game will begin again.

To make it alittle easier, you can rapidly pause and unpause your game with the Start button to ‘slow’ how quickly they move around and help you to keep track of the correct Heartless.

Deep Jungle Special Heartless: Pink Agaricus

Special HeartlessPink Agaricus
Drops:40, 50, 60 hits gives a 10% chance of obtaining a Serenity Power.

70, 80, and 90 hits gives a 20% chance of obtaining a Serenity Power.

100 hits gives a 100% chance of obtaining:
- Mystery Goo
- Serenity Power
- Prime Cap (Accessory)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Black Ballade

The easiest place to fight Pink Agaricus is in the Treehouse of Deep Jungle. Here you’ll sometimes find three White Mushroom’s standing there frozen. If you use the Stop spell on all three, you will cause the Pink Agaricus to appear.

Once you hit the Pink Agaricus it will dissappear, so you must first cast Stop on it and hit it while it is frozen. There are many strategies to do this but I find the easiest is to equip Sora with as many MP and Magic boosting weapons and accessories that you have to start with. You’ll want to equip Donald and Goofy with MP restoring items so that they can help keep you topped up as well. Make sure they are set to hardly ever use physical attacks and maximise support abilities instead. You dont want them attacking the Pink Agaricus, as their attacks actually minus 1 from your total.

For this strategy to work you need Stop to last for a significant length of time. The duration of Stop is tied to how many MP bars you have, so equipping the Diamond Dust Keyblade and as many Accessories that boost your MP +2 as possible is recommended. These include the Atlas Armlet, Shiva Belt, Cosmic Arts, and Royal Crown Accessories.

Summon the Pink Agaricus use Aerora/Aeroga on yourself and cast Stop on the Mushroom. Make sure you are targeting its head and not the body. You want to unleash as many hits as you can before time on your Stop spell runs out. The best way to do this is to spam either the Ars Arcanum ability or Ragnarok. Chain these abilities together, back to back to boost your hits as high as possible.

Traverse Town Special Heartless: Sniperwild

Special HeartlessSniperwild
EXP:Multiples of 10 per Sniperwild defeated
Drops:- Hi-Potion
- Tent
- Power Stone

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Sniperwild

Sniperwild can be found roaming the Second District of Traverse Town. When you first enter, if the enemies at the front gate do not spawn, that is a sure sign that the Sniperwilds are around. These are a monkey Heartless that carry a slingshot, just like their Deep Jungle counterparts.

If they spot you, they will call reinforcements, this will trigger a massive amount of them to start spawning and pelting you with slingshot bullets. If you stay long enough you will be defeated by them. So the trick is to lock on and cast Stop on them. Casting Stop will prevent them from being able to call for reinforcements.

Once you defeat the first, then two will spawn, defeat those two and more will spawn. This cycle will continue until you decide to leave. The easiest way to farm Power Stones here is to cast Stop on the first Sniperwild and hop down to where they spawn. Defeat it with Thunder magic and then immediately cast Stop again. Alternate between these two spells to freeze the Sniperwilds and defeat them quickly. This method does require a large MP pool and for you to equip Donald and Goofy with MP restoring items. Once you’ve had enough simply run out of the area.

Special Heartless: Black Fungus

Special HeartlessBlack Fungus
Drops:Defeat it with a Critical Hit to earn a Mystery Goo.
Can also drop Mystery Mold.

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Black Fungus
(Found in Agrabah's Bazaar, Halloween Town's Moonlight Hill, Hollow Bastion's Dungeon, and End of the World's Linked Worlds.)

Agrabah Special Heartless: Pot Scorpion

Special HeartlessPot Scorpion
Drops:- Mythril Shard (20%)
- Mythril Stone (35%)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Pot Scorpion

The Pot Scorpion is found in the Palace Gates area of Agrabah. Here you’ll enter and find 12 Pots all lined up on the ground. One of these contains the Pot Scorpion Heartless. The trick to find out which of them it is, is to use Sora to ‘run’ into them all, the only one that wont move from its spot is the one containing the Heartless. Smash all the others with your Keyblade for a bunch of free EXP. Its also important to break all of these other pots first to give yourself the best chance of obtaining the Mythril Stone at the end of the battle.

Once you’re ready to engage the Pot Scorpion, attack the only remaining pot. The trick to damaging this Heartless is to flip it over onto its back, where it then becomes vulnerable to attack. To do this you need to use the Guard ability to parry one of its attacks, or alternatively if you have Aeroga, casting that spell on yourself will also cause it to be automatically parried when it comes in to attack.

The timing can be tight for the guard. When it does its two claw ‘snap’ at you, you need to parry immediately after its second ‘snap’ with its claws. If it is in a rage, and moving much faster than normal, then as soon as it turns to face you, you need to immediately parry. Either of these should help you to get the parry, flip it over and perform a combo. Repeat this until it is defeated.

Special Heartless: Rare Truffle

Special HeartlessRare Truffle
EXP:+1 for every consecutive bounce, upto the 100th bounce.
Drops:10th Bounce:
- Elixir (100%)
- Mystery Goo (20%)

50th Bounce:
- Elixir (100%)
- Mystery Goo (40%)
- Shiitake Rank (100%)

100th Bounce:
- Megalixir (100%)
- Mystery Goo (100%)
- Matsutake Rank (100%)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Rare Truffle
(Found in Monstro's Throat, Halloween Town's Bridge, or Neverland's Ship's Deck.)

The easiest place to bounce the Rare Truffle is at the Bridge in Halloween Town. They will tend to spawn down in the water, under the bridge. Find one down there and push it into a corner. Throw on Aerora/Aeroga and it should get stuck in the corner, bouncing off of your spell. Only the 2nd and 3rd tier of Aero will allow this to happen, so keep that in mind before trying this. You’ll also need to refresh the spell on your self every ten bounces or so, just to be safe.

Every consecutive bounce that you make a Rare Truffle perform, you’ll receive +1 exp. So 1st bounce, 1 EXP, 2nd bounce, 2 Exp, 3rd bounce, 3 EXP, and so on. This can make bouncing these Truffles a very lucrative leveling activity if you can easily get the 100 bounces.

Monstro Special Heartless: Grand Ghost

Special HeartlessGrand Ghost
Drops:Frost Stone

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Grand Ghost

Grand Ghost is the Special Heartless found in Monstro’s Stomach area, where you previously battled the Parasite Cage. To defeat this Special Heartless, you’ll need to use healing items on it through your item menu. Make sure that you are close enough, otherwise the option to use the item on the Grand Ghost will not appear in the menu. Try to use Elixirs, Ether’s, and Mega-Ether’s, as they appear to do the most damage and give the best chances of obtaining the Frost Stone. You also need to be relatively quick with this Heartless as it wont hang around long.

Halloween Town Special Heartless: Chimera

Special HeartlessChimera
Drops:Blazing Stone

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Chimera

Head to Halloween Town’s Manor Ruins and jump down to a rock near the river in the ruins. Here you’ll spawn the Chimera Heartless, its easy to tell if its here or not by whether Shadow Heartless spawn when you first jump down or not. Over by the rock you’ll encounter Wight Knights, defeat a few waves of them to summon the Chimera. Throw on Aerora/Aeroga and damage it until it falls over. At this point you’ll see some colored orbs come out of it, you need to either hit these, or use your Aero shield to hit them. Once they take a hit they will bounce back into the Chimera and the process will start over again.

Neverland Special Heartless: Jet Balloon

Special HeartlessJet Balloon
Drops:- 1 Dazzling Stone (100%)
- 2x Dazzling Stone (20%)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Jet Balloon

Jet Ballon is found on the Ships Deck in Neverland. This Heartless, when it spots you, will either fly away from you at high speed or fire missiles at you, these missles will make you drop huge amounts of munny if they hit you.

The best tactic here is to stay walking on the ship’s deck and approach it from below. Target it and cast Stop, fly up and start to beat it down with your Keyblade, casting Stop again every few seconds. You really dont want this thing breaking free from the Stop spell.

Be careful defeating this thing over the water, as if the Dazzling Stone drops into the water, you cannot retrieve it.

Hollow Bastion Special Heartless: Stealth Soldier

Special HeartlessStealth Soldier
Drops:Energy Stone (35%)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Stealth Soldier

The Stealth Soldier Special Heartless can appear in two locations in Hollow Bastion, the Entrance Hall and the Grand Hall. You’ll know they are there, if the usual pattern of Heartless spawns change. You wont be able to see these Heartless as they are invisible, but you can still lock on to them. Lock on and cast Stop to keep them still, the fastest way to dispatch them from here is to simply use the Ars Arcanum ability. Once they take enough damage the invisibility will wear off as well, allowing you to then see where they are, try to defeat them quickly though, as they will leave the battle after a while.

End Of The World Special Heartless: Neoshadow

Special HeartlessNeoshadow
EXP:400 (from defeating the seventh)
Drops:Defeat all seven for:
- Stormy Stone (35%)

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Special Heartless: Neoshadow

These Heartless can appear in the Linked Worlds area of the End Of The World. Seven of them will appear at first, as you defeat them and thin the numbers, their attack patterns will begin to change. Keep your Aeroga up for this fight as it tends to disrupt most of the attacks they will try. When you get down to the final Neoshadow, it will attempt to summon more. Focus on the ones it is summoning first, and then make your way over to defeat it.

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Special Heartless Guide - Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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