The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (2024)

I’m about to do something that I never do lightly: share my family’s butter cookie recipe. This recipe comes from my paternal grandmother and was adopted by my mom inmy childhood. It’s our favorite family cookie and was usually the envy of all my friends. The best part about this butter cookie recipe is we’ve always used it for holidays, because no other cookie can compare when it comes to using cookie cutters. They always retain their shape, don’t expand while baking, are great for frosting and perfect for creating memories with your kids. I hope your family enjoys them as much as mine.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (1)


Butter Cookies

1.5 cups of unsalted butter, softened (3 sticks); I personally use margarine and it works great

1 cup sugar

1 egg

2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp salt

4.5 cups flour


2 cups confectioners sugar

1/4 cup butter (1/2 a stick)

1 tsp vanilla

1-2 tsp milk

Food Coloring



Rolling Pin

Cutting Board

Wax Paper

Cookie Cutters


The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (2)


Cream butter and sugar.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (3)

Make sure your mixture is nice and fluffy!The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (4)

Add in egg and vanilla, and mix well.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (5)

Be sure to scrape the sides of your bowl and mix everything in.The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (6)

Add salt and flour. If you don’t have a large bowl, add only half the flour and mix. Then add second half and mix again.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (7)

When your dough is well combined, it should resemble this. My Kitchen Aid does a pretty good job of mixing on it’s own, but I always like to do a few smushes with my hand to make a nice ball of dough.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (8)

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (9)

Cover your bowl with plastic wrap and allow to refrigerate at least an hour. For this recipe to live up to it’s potential the dough needs to be nice and chilly so it maintains it’s shape. Give beater to kidsto eat and relax while your dough chills 😉

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (10)

Once your dough is chilled, preheat oven to 375. Lightly flour a cutting board (I use a nice, large wooden one).

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (11)The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (12)

Put a medium to large ball of dough in the middle of your cutting board. The size of your board will determine how much you can roll out at once.The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (13)

Lay a piece of wax paper on top and then use your rolling pin to thin out the dough into an even layer. This recipe works best if cookies are about a 1/4 inch thick.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (14)The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (15)

Then start using whatever shaped cookie cutters you want and begin cutting them out! When you’ve used your available dough, form into a ball and repeat the process of rolling it out.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (16)

Lay the cookies out on a cookie sheet and pop in the oven for 8-10 minutes. Keep a close eye, these cook fast and you don’t want a burnt cookie! You’ll note the hodge podge nature of my current batch of cookies. I call this collection “what happens when your 3-year old picks out the cookie cutters!”

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (17)

Once removed from the oven, allow butter cookies to completely cool on sheets of waxed paper before frosting. Now, for the frosting!

Combine butter, vanilla extract and confectioners sugar and beat until creamy. I personally use a hand mixer for this step.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (18)The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (19)

Add a little less than ONE tablespoon of milk and then beat. You do NOT want a runny frosting, you want a creamy but flexible version that is easy to layer on the butter cookies. You can always add more milk if it’s too thick, so just add small amounts at a time. Once you have your desired consistency, spoon into separate bowls and then add food coloring! I personally did summer colors this time around. I suggest when the holidays roll in, to invest in some Wilton Gel food coloring. You will get rich, vibrant colors that you just can’t get from traditional liquid coloring.The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (20)

Use a cookie sheet to frost and add sprinkles to your cooled butter cookies. This is the best part for kids! The cookie sheet will help contain the mess and not allow quite so many sprinkles to escape on your table and floor.

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (21) I love how the frosting and sprinkles gives everyone the creative license to make a beautiful cookie in their own way. This traditional style butter cookie is one for the memory books and I hope you and your family enjoy.
The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (22)The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (23)

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (24)

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The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (25)

Karly Wood

Editor at Red Tricycle

I'm a born and bred Southern California native and currently the managing editor at Red Tri. I get to share my life with my husband of 13 years and our beautiful, 5-year old daughter. In my free time you'll catch me cheering for the Dodgers, cooking, baking, reading, crafting and probably watching a little HGTV!

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (27)

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The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (28)

Karly Wood

I'm a born and bred Southern California native and currently the managing editor at Red Tri. I get to share my life with my husband of 13 years and our beautiful, 5-year old daughter. In my free time you'll catch me cheering for the Dodgers, cooking, baking, reading, crafting and probably watching a little HGTV!

The Best Butter Cookie Recipe For Cookie Cutters (2024)


What type of cookie dough is best for cookie cutters? ›

(In general, you're looking for a smooth dough that can be rolled thin, cuts cleanly and contains little or no baking powder.) If the dough gets too warm, refrigerate or freeze it until it becomes firm again. Your leaf shapes should do just fine.

What is the secret to a perfect cookie? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  • Always use butter.
  • Choose the right sugar.
  • Choose the right flour.
  • Check your flour is in date.
  • Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  • Cream the butter and sugar.
  • Beat in the eggs.
  • Fold in the flour.

How do you make cookies keep their cookie cutter shape? ›

Sandwich your dough between two sheets of parchment, roll, then freeze; it makes cut-out cookies a breeze! If you plan to store it for only a few hours or days, there's no need to overwrap the baking sheet; for longer storage, wrap the entire baking sheet tightly with plastic wrap before freezing.

How do you keep cookie cutter cookies from spreading? ›

Use a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Coating your baking sheet with nonstick spray or butter creates an overly greasy foundation, causing the cookies to spread. I always recommend a silicone baking mat because they grip onto the bottom of your cookie dough, preventing the cookies from spreading too much.

Do you chill cookie dough before cookie cutters? ›

Once it has been rolled to the thickness you're going for, chill the dough for the requisite time. Once the dough has chilled, peel off the top layer of parchment and cut the cookies out of the rolled sheet. But instead of removing the cut-out cookies, simply remove the scraps from around the cut-outs.

Do you flatten cookie dough before baking? ›

If the dough is chilled before baking then the cookies will be slightly more rounded, so if you want slightly flatter cookies then bake them as soon as you have mixed up the dough. But we would not recommend flattening the cookies completely as this will affect the texture.

How long to chill cookie dough before baking? ›

As a general rule of thumb, you should refrigerate cookie dough for at least 30 minutes and up to 24 hours. More than that, and you won't see a noticeable difference in the final product. Once the dough has chilled, let it warm up at room temperature until it's just pliable (about 5 to 10 minutes).

What makes a cookie the best? ›

The best cookies have layers of texture. A slightly crisp outer shell that holds up to some heat with an inner core that's soft and chewy. Premium cookies taste great at room temperature, straight out of the fridge or slightly heated. Creating cookies in small batches is key.

What is the trick to cut out cookies? ›

Dip your cookie cutters in flour with each cut. Work from the center of the rolled-out dough to the edges, cutting shapes close to one another to prevent extra scraps and extra rerolling. If the cookie cutters get really sticky, wipe them off with a damp paper towel.

How do you keep cookies from sticking to cookie cutter? ›

And finally, to prevent sticking, the entire inside of the cutter should be dusted with flour before each cookie is cut out.

What is the secret to thick cookies? ›

A low proportion of sugar relative to flour reduces spread, keeping the cookies thick. A high proportion of mix-ins helps thicken the dough. Blending chocolate chip styles creates a more dynamic flavor. Overnight refrigeration hydrates the flour, again helping the cookies stay thick.

What makes a cookie cutter good? ›

“The best cookie cutters have a small rolled lip of metal or plastic around the top to protect my hands and give me an edge to grab onto to pull the cutter back up,” Bushman says. “I also look for a nice seam where the metal of the cookie cutter joins together so I don't have a weird shape on one edge of my cookie.”

What makes cookies fluffy and not flat? ›

Room temperature butter is just the right consistency to incorporate air when it's creamed with sugar. These trapped air pockets result in risen, fluffy cookies. If the butter is any warmer, it won't incorporate enough air and your cookies will have less rise.

Can you use cookie cutters with any dough? ›

You can use any cookie dough recipe you choose. But for best results, use one for soft cookies rather than crunchy ones. Step 2: Flour your work surface to roll out your dough. You can roll your dough on a floured countertop or floured parchment paper.

What is the best material for a cookie cutter? ›

The stainless steel cutters are oven-safe up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, which should cover even the crispiest cookies. Lopez recommends these because “they're metal and the different sizes nest and stack easily, taking up less space in your kitchen cupboard.”

What are most cookie cutters made of? ›

Most commonly made of copper, tin, stainless steel, aluminium, or plastic. Cutouts are the simplest of the cookie cutters; the cutter is pressed into cookie dough that has been rolled flat to produce the shape of the cutter's outline.

What type of cookie is typically cut out of rolled dough? ›

Cut-out cookies can take many different forms and flavors — as long as the dough is rollable, it's often easy to cut out all sorts of shapes. A few different types of cut-out cookies include sugar cookies, shortbread cookies, gingerbread cookies, and spritz cookies.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.