This Peanut Brittle Recipe Is an Ode to My Grandma (2024)

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  • Candy

Kristina Vänni

Kristina Vänni

Internationally recognized culinary authority Kristina Vänni is a well-known food writer, engaging TV host, award-winning recipe developer, food stylist, and photographer. In addition to writing for industry-leading websites including Better Homes and Gardens, The Spruce Eats, and Food52, she has been a featured expert on national media such as ABC News’ “World News Tonight” and CBS’ “The Talk” and has served as a spokesperson and recipe developer for national brands such as Finlandia, KitchenAid, Post Foods, Baileys, among many others. Kristina is currently writing her first cookbook, an exploration of the traditional and seasonal cuisine from her family's dairy farm in Finland. Kristina enthusiastically shares her creative content, behind-the-scenes peeks, and industry expertise with food enthusiasts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.


published Jul 26, 2021


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This Peanut Brittle Recipe Is an Ode to My Grandma (1)

Homemade peanut brittle is the ultimate made-with-love holiday gift.

Serves12Makesabout 2 poundsPrep5 minutesCook40 minutes

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This Peanut Brittle Recipe Is an Ode to My Grandma (2)

Food memories are the best. An aroma, a flavor, even the crisp sound of something snapping in your mouth can all instantly bring back a flood of memories. These recollections are so special because we can conjure up those warm feelings anytime we want, simply by firing up the stove and recreating a recipe.

Peanut brittle wasn’t typically a go-to confection in my house when I was growing up. We typically made toffee, fudge, or cookies during the holidays. However, in the later years of my grandmother’s life, my cousin would always bring a big box of See’s simply irresistible peanut brittle to family gatherings. My grandma loved munching on something sweet here and there throughout the day, and our hands would inevitably sneak their way to the box for a taste.

This year would have been my grandma’s 100th birthday, and slowly stirring this peanut brittle on the stovetop brought back memories of seeing her sitting in her chair at the age of 97, reading a book on her iPad while nibbling on some peanut brittle.

This recipe for a traditional peanut brittle is easy to make as holiday gifts or for get-togethers. The flavor reminds me of that irresistible box of candy from See’s. I didn’t worry too much about getting the brittle spread out super thin as it cools, mainly because I always remember the See’s version as being just ever-so-slightly thicker than many homemade brittles. I hope that this version can be the springboard of fond food memories for other families for years to come.

What Is Peanut Brittle?

Peanut brittle is a classic American confection that some believe was created by accident in the late 1800s when a Southern woman was attempting to make taffy, but accidentally added baking soda to the recipe instead of cream of tartar. The result was a deliciously crunchy brittle instead of a chewy taffy. The baking soda reacted with the caramel by aerating it and producing tiny air pockets in the cooled candy, resulting in a crisp, brittle texture.

Tips for Making Peanut Brittle

  • Besides baking soda, the other important ingredient in homemade peanut brittle is corn syrup. It is best not to shy away from this ingredient — and don’t try substituting honey, molasses, or agave. Ultimately, corn syrup keeps the candy smooth and prevents the sugar from crystalizing and developing a gritty or grainy texture.
  • When it comes to the peanuts in peanut brittle, I like to use roasted salted nuts for optimal flavor. I have found Spanish peanuts are a great option and their signature red paper skins add visual interest to the brittle as well.
  • Finally, it’s important to make sure you have a reliable candy thermometer on hand if you plan on making homemade peanut brittle. They’re inexpensive and easy to find in just about any large grocery or big-box store. Achieving the proper temperatures for the sugar mixture and then once again after the nuts are added are key to making a brittle that is perfectly caramelized and flavorful, but not burnt.

What Temperature Is the Hard Crack Stage?

The hard crack stage on a candy thermometer is between 300°F and 310°F. When making peanut brittle, I like to take it off the heat just slightly before it hits this stage, around 295° F.

Polder Candy and Deep Fry Cooking Thermometer

Why Is My Peanut Brittle Too Hard?

If your peanut brittle is too hard, it might have cooked too long and reached a temperature higher than the hard crack stage.

Can I Freeze Peanut Brittle?

Yes, peanut brittle can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 3 months.


Peanut Brittle

Homemade peanut brittle is the ultimate made-with-love holiday gift.

Prep time 5 minutes

Cook time 40 minutes

Makes about 2 pounds

Serves 12

Nutritional Info


  • 2 cups

    granulated sugar

  • 1 cup

    light corn syrup

  • 1/4 cup


  • 2 cups

    salted, roasted peanuts, preferably Spanish

  • 3 tablespoons

    unsalted butter, plus more for greasing pans

  • 2 teaspoons

    baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon

    vanilla extract


  1. Generously coat a large marble slab or 2 rimmed baking sheets with unsalted butter.

  2. Place 2 cups granulated sugar, 1 cup light corn syrup, and 1/4 cup water in a large 3-quart heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat (don't be tempted to cook at a higher heat as you risk scorching), stirring constantly with a heatproof spatula, until the sugar dissolves.

  3. Clip a candy thermometer onto the saucepan and continue cooking, stirring frequently to prevent scorching, until the mixture reaches 285°F (soft crack stage), about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, measure out 2 cups salted, roasted peanuts, 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, 2 teaspoons baking soda, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

  4. Add the peanuts and unsalted butter to the saucepan and continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 295°F. (This is just slightly above the soft crack stage, but not yet at the hard crack stage.) Immediately remove the saucepan from the heat and take off the candy thermometer.

  5. Working quickly, add the baking soda and vanilla extract to the saucepan and stir to combine. The mixture will foam. Immediately pour the mixture onto the prepared marble slab or baking sheets and spread it out into as thin a layer as possible with an offset or heatproof spatula.

  6. When the mixture begins to cool and harden, after about 10 minutes, run a long, thin metal spatula or butter knife underneath the brittle to gently loosen it from the surface. This will help it cool and help prevent sticking. Once completely hardened and cooled, break it into pieces.

Recipe Notes

Storing: Peanut brittle can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 months or frozen up to 3 months.

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This Peanut Brittle Recipe Is an Ode to My Grandma (2024)


Who first made peanut brittle? ›

The general origin story of peanut brittle is that it came from the South, and that a Southern woman in the second half of the 19th century came up with peanut brittle by accidentally putting baking soda into her taffy instead of cream of tartar.

How long will peanut brittle stay fresh? ›

To store: Once it's completely cooled, store peanut brittle in an airtight container at room temperature. Do not refrigerate as the moisture from the fridge will cause the brittle to soften. Store for 6-8 weeks. To Freeze: Peanut brittle can be frozen and stored up to 3 months.

How to fix peanut brittle that did not harden? ›

Why Is My Peanut Brittle Chewy / Sticky / Didn't Harden?
  1. Break up the brittle and place it in a glass, microwave-safe bowl. Heat on HIGH heat 1-2 minutes until soft and semi-melted. ...
  2. Transfer the semi-melted brittle to a a clean saucepan. ...
  3. Immediately remove from the heat and add additional 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
Nov 18, 2022

Why is my peanut brittle not airy? ›

To keep the brittle light and airy, do not spread or flatten the mixture.

Is peanut brittle an American thing? ›

But did you know that this popular treat may very well be an American invention? That's right. And an American folk hero of yore may have helped garner its fame. In fact, peanut brittle's place in American pop culture is certainly an established one.

Why is it called a bulldog brittle? ›

This past Christmas Food Network had a Kid's Holiday Baking Championship special, and on it, one of the contestants made bulldog brittle. According to this girl, it's a Georgian speciality, hence bulldog (the bulldog being University of Georgia's mascot).

What does baking soda do to peanut brittle? ›

Be sure to use a candy thermometer to ensure it reaches 300 degrees F or hard crack stage. What does baking soda do to peanut brittle? Adding a little baking soda aerates the peanut brittle causing it to expand slightly for a crunchy texture that won't break your teeth when you chew it.

How do you keep peanut brittle crispy? ›

Store the brittle in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 month to maintain the crisp. Moisture in the refrigerator would soften the brittle.

Why is my peanut brittle bitter? ›

Those other liquid sugars have impurities that will burn at the higher temperature of making caramel, leading to a bitter-tasting brittle.

Why is my homemade peanut brittle chewy? ›

Why did my peanut brittle turn out chewy? The likely cause is that the sugar mixture didn't reach the proper hard crack stage temperature. Ensuring it reaches 300˚F is key to getting that classic brittle texture.

Why does my homemade peanut brittle stick to my teeth? ›

It's what's missing — corn syrup. A common brittle ingredient, Asare said, corn syrup causes brittle to go all gooey, gummy and tooth-clingy as it melts in your mouth, whereas sugar crunches, crumbles and dissolves.

Can you use parchment paper when making peanut brittle? ›

You will want the cookie sheet to be non-stick. Use parchment paper, a silicone baking sheet or a greased cookie sheet. Spread the peanut brittle as thin as you can. Immediately add your sea salt.

Is peanut brittle bad for you? ›

Peanut brittle has one redeeming quality: peanuts. Outside of that single ingredient, peanut brittle is painfully unhealthy. It contains: sugar, corn syrup, and butter, all of which are unhealthy for your body in different ways.

Does weather affect making peanut brittle? ›

I've learned that brittle is better when made on a cool, dry day. When I've made the candy on a warmer, humid day, it tends to be a stickier brittle. This is because the brittle takes longer to cool, and it reaches a point where it is no longer evaporating moisture into the air.

How do you test for peanut brittle? ›

Recipe Tip

If you don't have a candy thermometer, in Step 5, try dropping a small amount of the boiling syrup into a bowl of cold water. If it forms hard, brittle threads, it's ready.

What did George Washington Carver make with peanuts? ›

Carver Peanut Products
  • List of Products made from the Peanut. By Dr. George Washington Carver. ...
  • Foods. Salted Peanuts. ...
  • Stock Foods. Peanut Stock Food #1,#2, and #3. ...
  • Household Products. Laundry Soap. ...
  • Beverages. Peanut Orange Punch #1. ...
  • Medicines. Rubbing Oil. ...
  • Cosmetics. Hand Lotion. ...
  • Dyes, Paints and Stains. Dyes for Leather.

What is the history of the peanut chew? ›


candies were first developed in 1917 by the Goldenberg family and used by the U.S. Military during World War I as a ration bar.

Who was the original peanut guy? ›

1916. The MR. PEANUT® character was born when schoolboy Antonio Gentile submitted his sketch to win the PLANTERS® brand contest for a brand icon. A commercial artist later added a top hat, a monocle and a cane.

What is the oldest peanut company? ›

In 1880, the Old Dominion Peanut Company opened in Waverly. It was the first commercial company to buy, grade, shell and market the peanut. One of the first customers of this venture was the famous P. T.


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