YAGNI Principle Embrace Simplicity For Efficient Software Development PPT Example ST AI (2024)

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Leading and trailing spaces will be ignored."; this[input.name].errorMessage = Iodine.getErrorMessage(error); } else { input.classList.remove("invalid"); this[input.name].errorMessage = ""; // Show the signup pass popup if email is valid this.IsSignupEmail = false; this.IsSignupPass = true; this.Isregisterform = true; this.email = this.$refs.registeremail.value; } }); }, submitForm() { this.inputElements = [...document.getElementById('ajaxlogin-create-form-pass-wishlist').querySelectorAll("input[data-rules]")]; this.inputElements.map((input) => { if (Iodine.is(input.value, JSON.parse(input.dataset.rules)) !== true) { const error = Iodine.is(input.value, JSON.parse(input.dataset.rules)); event.preventDefault(); input.classList.add("invalid"); Iodine.messages.required = "This is a required field."; Iodine.messages.email = "Please enter a valid email address (Ex: johndoe@domain.com)."; Iodine.messages.minimum = "Minimum length of this field must be equal or greater than 1 symbols. Leading and trailing spaces will be ignored."; this[input.name].errorMessage = Iodine.getErrorMessage(error); } else { input.classList.remove("invalid"); this[input.name].errorMessage = ""; } }); if (document.getElementById('create-from-wrapper-pass').querySelectorAll(".invalid").length == 0) { this.$refs.signupPass.innerHTML = "Please wait..."; this.$refs.signupPassButton.disabled = true; let $form = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin-create-form-pass'); if (!this.hasCaptchaToken) { this.errors = 1; const executeGreCaptcha = () => { grecaptcha.ready(() => { grecaptcha.execute( '6Lfy\u002DrUgAAAAALziuUTD4krRaDb_vjmhsTEx2cMO', {action: 'submit'} ).then((token) => { if (token && token.length > 0) { $form['g\u002Drecaptcha\u002Dresponse'].value = token; this.errors = 0; this.hasCaptchaToken = 1; (this.submitForm || $form.submit).call(this); } else { this.errors = 1; const error = 'ReCaptcha\u0020validation\u0020failed,\u0020please\u0020try\u0020again'; if (this.setErrorMessages) { this.setErrorMessages([error]) this.displayErrorMessage = true; } else { window.dispatchMessages && window.dispatchMessages([{type: "error", text: error}], 5000); } } }).catch(exception => { console.error(exception || `An unknown error occurred during ReCaptcha validation. Are the tokens and the domain correctly set up in the Google console?`) }); }) } if (window.grecaptcha) { executeGreCaptcha(); } else { const recaptchaUrl = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=6Lfy\u002DrUgAAAAALziuUTD4krRaDb_vjmhsTEx2cMO"; const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.setAttribute('src', recaptchaUrl); document.head.appendChild(script); script.addEventListener("load", executeGreCaptcha, false); } } if (this.errors === 0) { const formdata = { "form_key": document.getElementById("ajaxlogin-create-form-pass").elements["form_key"].value, "email": this.$refs.registeremail.value, "password": this.$refs.registerpassword.value, "productid": this.$refs.registerproduct.value, "is_subscribed": document.querySelector('#is_subscribed').checked, 'g-recaptcha-response': $form.querySelector('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').value }; fetch('https://www.slideteam.net/free/ajax/registerpopup/', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }, body: JSON.stringify(formdata) }).then(response => { return response.json() }).then(data => { if (data.errors) { this.$refs.registerresponse.style.display = 'Block'; this.$refs.registerresponse.innerHTML = "

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YAGNI Principle Embrace Simplicity For Efficient Software Development PPT Example ST AI (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.